"Pros: The bed mattress is really comfortable. I slept really well. Plenty of hot water for the shower. Easy check-in and keys in the room door when I arrived. Complimentary water for each guest (usually sparkling 500ml). Handy kitchen with basic equipment for making food and teas. Quiet area - no traffic or public transport noise. Close to the airport.
Cons: The shower head is very dirty and should be replaced. The toilet was unflushed from the previous client when I lifted the toilet seat. There was no bag in the small bin in the bathroom. The room had been mopped but with a very odorous cleaning liquid which left the floor a bit sticky. The radiators were left switched off so when I arrived late evening the room was freezing and didn't really heat up much. There should be extra blankets available - it was cold at night and there was nothing I could put over the thin duvet. Staff are quite often missing from the reception desk so you must phone a mobile number." ~Mark
"Pros: Great location in a quiet area, off the beaten track, with plenty of access to shops, eating out and welcoming people. The apartment was cosey, clean and very warm with every facility needed to feel like you were at home." ~Paul
"Bardzo miły personel. W pokojach zniszczone meble i futryny. Pościel czysta. Na plus - w łazience suszarka do włosów, w pokoju czajnik, kawa, herbata i woda. Śniadanie bardzo kiepskiej jakości. Brak owoców, na słodko wafle ryżowe, chrupki kukurydziane i ciasto drożdżowe z sieciówki.
Za kwotę 500 zł za noc spodziewałam się czegoś lepszego." ~Niezapominajka
{{if isRestricted}}
No free of charge cancellation
Free of charge cancellation
{{if !breakfastIncluded}}
No breakfast {{else}}
Breakfast included {{/if}}